الموضوع: A war of allah against human by using natural disasters and so on

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  1. افتراضي A war of allah against human by using natural disasters and so on

    What do you think does the animal world became more agressive to the human being as well as elements of Allah the Great such as wind, fire, water etc? Can animals play a role of punishment of the humankind for not following the quran?

    P.s. scientists started to notice unprovoked attacks from the wild animals.... animal much more agressive now

  2. افتراضي

    the first animal is corona virus

  3. افتراضي

    It's really an animal.

  4. افتراضي

    It just a start
    Yes, the animals will play its role

  5. افتراضي

    Thank you brother for clarification...

  6. افتراضي

    .Anytime Tamer
    Is that ur name ?

  7. افتراضي

    ‌Brother the corona is not from animal worlds. Imam told us:
    اقتباس المشاركة :
    ويا معشر العجم والعرب، إنّ كوكب العذاب اقترب، فأين الهرب؟! ألا وإنّ دليل شِدّة اقترابه في أخبار القرآن العظيم هو أن يغزو العالم فيروس كورونا من حيث لا يعلمون منشأهُ الحيوانيّ كونَه لم يأتِ من الطّبيعة الحيوانيّة بل تحَدٍّ من ربّ العالمين؛ سُلالة بعوضةٍ ما لا تُحيطون بها علمًا بعدُ لكي تعلموا أنّكم لا تُحيطون بشيءٍ من علمه إلّا بما شاء الله سبحانه وهو من العذاب الأدنى،
    انتهى الاقتباس

  8. افتراضي

    Peace be upon you sister......what we meant is that the virus its self is an animal, and we understood what the Imam meant by that that it did not originate from animals like bats, snakes and dogs sold in the Chinese wet market, but comes from baoodah tinniest creature created with the command of Allah, but the virus itself is an animal

  9. افتراضي

    But you are right is you go deep into science, virus fall under a kingdom called monera because they have single cell and are microscopic....

  10. افتراضي

    Yes. Tamerlan is my name. Tamer is a one of variations

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